Sober living

So you decided to stop drinking? I did and these are my years lessons Life and style

As long as you aren’t pregnant, don’t have addiction or intolerance issues and enjoy drinking a glass of wine, beer or cocktail every so often, there can be some legit health benefits of drinking in moderation. From that point on, everything began to change for Rzadkowolska. Her alcohol-free life inspired her to start a company and write a book that would help other sober-curious people take charge of their lives.

alcohol free lifestyle

They mostly remain untouched in my fridge. The aspects of your personality that make you uncomfortable or incite pain don’t simply disappear once you eliminate drinking. One of alcohol’s big lies is that it blunts the pain. I would argue it only buries it until it mutates into a much more ugly monster.

Your Health

That’s, you know, what we’re told when our young really shapes us as individuals and, but the thing is, right, like neuroplasticity is real. And by changing our one thing, you know, by changing our language, that’s really important. So that was one reason why, when I chose to start the DRI club, I chose to change the language. You know, nobody really was we kind of came up with the term AF because AF was already obviously used for something else. But there’s also a mounting body of scientific evidence that backs up the very real gains you’ll score from drinking less—or abstaining entirely. Whether you opt for a 30-day challenge like Sober October or Dry January, or even just adjust the serving vessel to drink less when you do choose to imbibe, these small steps can help move the needle to improve your health.

  • To see how cutting out alcohol would affect your own finances, check out this alcohol spending calculator.
  • But then after that, like you can’t just not use, that’s white knuckling it, you’re not going to recover, you’re just gonna be miserable.
  • Furthermore, after about a month of not drinking, abstainers are less irritable and less prone to feeling anxious.
  • More and more Americans are foregoing their relationship with alcohol to join the “sober curious” movement and find out how sobriety became cool.

For example, if you want to start an exercise program, start with putting on your workout clothes first thing in the morning. It’s the lifestyle that gives you MORE than you ever thought possible. It’s definitely not easy, but the longer you go without drinking, the simpler it can be.

It Takes Strength to Choose an Alcohol-Free Life

Back when he was getting sober, you either drank — or you didn’t, he says. Now there’s a whole spectrum of sobriety. “All my drinking was really centered around community and alcohol free lifestyle wanting that connection so badly with other people,” he says. After a monthlong break, researchers measured levels of a liver enzyme called gamma-glutamyltransferase, or GGT.

Alcohol, for many of us, has become a relationship and when you let go of any relationship, there is a time of sadness, anger, resentment, and loss. I believe 100% that there is inner work that needs to be done when you transition from being a drinker to being a non-drinker no matter what your level of drinking is. That’s a totally normal + validated feeling.

Improved Energy and Mental Health

This isn’t an uncommon response; Davis-Timms says that “sobriety becomes an identity shift.” Reassessing my life without alcohol went deeper than what I drank – it shot straight to my inner core. Very few topics of conversation are off-limits among my friends and alcohol was no exception. It was a part of the pre-trip planning conversation, mixed into group text messages about coordinating flights and booking the hotel. If you’re struggling to live a life without alcohol, there are many support groups available that can help you stay sober – search online for support groups in your area.

The course will help you turn the decision to stop drinking from your worst case scenario to the best decision of your life. You will sleep better and have more energy, you’ll look better and feel better, you’ll have more patience and less anxiety. And with my approach you won’t feel deprived or isolated in the process. So if you’re interested in learning more about all the details, please go to You can start at any time and I would love to see you in the course. So it’s something that just like anything else, like you have to do what you’re comfortable with? Like, I’ll tell people all the time, you know, I was I think I had over three years sobriety before I ever tried my first nonalcoholic beer.